Research Associate
Phone: (+66) 9 43600619


Htet Yamin Ko Ko joined the Geoinformatics Center as a Senior Research Associate in August 2024. She is from computer science background and passionates to perform interdisciplinary research projects by combining Earth Observation technologies and Artificial Intelligence. Her research interests include Landuse Landcover Changes and climate change impact, geospatial analysis, Telemedicine, and Deep Learning.

  • 2024 – Doctor of Engineering in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
  • 2017– M.Eng in Computer Engineering and Information Technology from Mandalay Technological University, Myanmar.
  • 2013– B.Eng in Information Technology from Technological University (Mandalay), Myanmar.

Area of Expertise
  • Remote Sensing and GIS
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Climate Change
  • Geospatial Analysis
  • Telemedicine