The Geoinformatics Center  and ITC, University of Twente (Netherlands) will introduce a new open-source risk assessment and decision-making tool (platform) called RiskChanges in a session at the 2020 Understanding Risk Forum on 03 December 2020, 12:00 hrs (UTC).


Session attendees will gain insight into multi-hazard risk assessment, especially regarding how risk changes over time, and how the information on changing risks can be used for an effective disaster risk management. The session will also explore RiskChanges, a new platform which allows both end-users and stakeholders to assess and evaluate the prevailing risks in a designated area. RiskChanges will help users in informed decision making, and adopt the best available risk reduction alternatives.


The 2020 Understanding Risk Forum will be virtual due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Registration is free and can be completed here.


The Understanding Risk Forum is a biennial conference that brings together disaster professionals from around the world to share the latest innovations in the field of disaster risk assessment and its management. For more information including the agenda for this year’s Understanding Risk Forum please visit the Understanding Risk Forum website.