The workshop served as the kickoff meeting for the MKCF project, jointly organized by Chulalongkorn University and the Asian Institute of Technology. It brought together representatives from two BMA district offices, Bang Khen and Lak Si. Participants included members from Education, Community Development, and Waste Management sub-units.

  • The district officers gained insights into the project’s work-plan and the collaborations involved.
  • The district officers shared lesson-learned with the project team, from their extensive experience in working with local communities and local schools
  • The district officers gained knowledge on how to develop ideas, from needs or requirements, into actionable plans.

Dr. Kittiphon (Research specialist at GIC-AIT and a Project lead for the ‘PlasticFlow Mekong’ project) gave an opening talk explaining the PlasticFlow Mekong project workplan and how do the activities intending for Bangkok fit in with the regional framework and goals.