Advance Training to FAO delegates from Afghanistan

This Advance Training program under the project “Assessment of Natural Resources, Land Degradation, Biodiversity and Climate Change Impacts Using Geospatial Technologies and Building Capacities (GCP/AFG/102/GFF)” is aimed at enhancing the capacities of the participants in the assessment of natural Read More

GIC at ESRI 28th Thai GIS User Conference

ESRI Thailand organized the largest GIS technology conference in Thailand, the 28th Thai GIS User Conference (TUC2024), under the theme “GIS – Uniting Our World” on 15th August 2024 at Miracle Grand Convention. Our team (Dr. Kittiphon Boonma, Mr. Read More

Chulalongkorn BAScii Students Visit to GIC

On July 30, 2024, GIC hosted 120 students from Chulalongkorn University, organizing them into three groups for an engaging day of activities. The visit was a part of the youth camp for first year students of Bachelor of Arts Read More