The event aimed to promote smart and participatory irrigation management (PIM) for coping with global uncertainty and extreme climate variability. It had three sub-themes: (1) Movement of PIM to increase efficiency and effectiveness of water demand-side management and reduce government intervention; (2) Innovations of high-performance irrigation systems to reduce energy use and personnel in water management; and (3) Adaptation to cope with extreme climate variability using the Natural Capital Approach.

 The three-day event featured a wide range of lectures/seminars, research poster sessions, and exhibition booths.

GIC had a booth under the Royal Irrigation Department’s Research and Development Unit, showcasing PyAEZ, a software solution developed by GIC with support from the FAO and IIASA for agro-ecological zonation. The booth highlighted the key features of PyAEZ, its components, and provided examples of how the tool could flexibly assess the effect of climate change on the agricultural sector and land-use.