Module 1: Basic Concept of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technology
This module will introduce the basic concept of remote sensing, including the theory and processing workflow of InSAR processing, the cloud-based image processing platform GEP, and the Project Geoportal. Participants will have also first-hand experience in using GEP covering all relevant services. Apart from the training itself, this module will introduce the project activities, their progress, and will make time for discussion to understand the background of participants, their current works, collaboration opportunity, and their expectation on the training and the overall project.
Sessions during Module 1 include:
- Disaster Management
- Landslide Detection
- Introduction to Geohazard Exploitation Platform (GEP)
- Remote Sensing and InSAR, brief concept to its applications on disaster
- Remote Sensing for disaster detection and monitoring using GEP