Water Induced Disaster Management - A case study on Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in Munshiganj District

Year: 2005-2006
Country: Bangladesh
Location within country: Munshiganj district


The objectives of this project were: 1) To develop a methodology for delineating areas affected by flood in Munshiganj District of Bangladesh, 2) To identify suitable satellite sensors for landuse and flood area mapping, 3) To integrate the population and public facilities data for identifying a suitable shelter location.

      The study area of this project was Munshiganj district of Bangladesh, bounded by three main rivers i.e. Jamuna, Padma (Ganges), and Meghna. ADEOS-AVNIR and Landsat-TM images on different dates were processed in order to classify landuse classes in the study area. Flood map was prepared using RADARSAT and JERS/SAR image. Subsequently, flood map and elevation maps were compared to create flood vulnerability based on flood depth. Finally, locations of shelter for evacuation were estimted using GIS spatial analysis by integrating data on population affected by flood, elevation, school/college/hospital distribution, and road network.