2016 Global CAP Implementation Workshop

Geoinformatics Center (GIC) of Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) jointly hosted with Sahana Software Foundation to organize 2016 Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementation Workshop on 23-24 August 2016. The workshop was held at the Asian Institute of Technology Conference Center (AITCC).

This Regional Workshop was made possible through funding from the UNESCAP Trust Fund on Tsunami and Climate Change and co-sponsored by IFRC, ITU, OASIS and WMO. Experts from various region share their experience of implementing CAP in their use-cases from Dam warning to Biological/Infectious Disease Hazards. Since CAP is still under development stage, various conversation were observed on how to use the CAP elements correctly and meaningful way. Following the conversation with the experts, we expect to have CAP 2.0 soon.
Slides and expert topic can be viewed and downloaded from here: http://preparecenter.org/content/cap-workshop-2016-presentations. The Workshop was scheduled parallel with the CAP Regional Workshop, as many of the participants were invited to attend both workshops.