Area    :             Thailand, Vietnam
Client  :             UNEP
Start Year :      Oct 2022
End Year   :      Feb 2023
Partners   :      AIT-Extension

Promotion of Community Resilience Against Plastic Pollution and Climate Change in the Mekong River Basin

Building on UNEP’s expertise on marine plastic litter and plastic pollution detection and its combined impact to climate change and prevention in rivers in Asia and its partnership with local and technical partners, the “Promotion of Community Resilience Against Plastic Pollution and Climate Change in the Mekong River Basin” project propose to develop and provide the riverine communities in Thailand and Vietnam with means to address the problem of plastic pollution in areas and sectors with climate change-induced risks, building on existing initiatives and instruments and supported by and grounded in science, international cooperation and multi-stakeholder engagement. The acceleration of the plastic pollution by climate change’s impact on the river ecosystems will be assessed. 

The project focuses on working with selected riverine communities with climate in Thailand and Vietnam to:

  1. Strengthen the capacities of regional experts, stakeholders and representatives of riverine communities to accelerate the implementation of the assessment and monitoring of the impact of Climate Change and plastic pollution to inform decisions,  
  2. Demonstrate the effectiveness of new technologies and good practices to enhance the resilience against plastic pollution and climate change in selected riverine communities in Thailand and Vietnam and make them available for replication.