Disaster Risk Assessment of Uttarakhand

Project Period: June 16 – Dec 18
Country: – Uttarakhand state, India
Partners: DHI, ERN, GIC-AIT
Client: The World Bank
Website: http://www.uttarakhand-dra.in/


As part of the Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project (UDRP) the Government of Uttarakhand (GoUK) is developing a Digital Risk Database for Uttarakhand comprising risk information for earthquakes, flash floods, floods, landslides and industrial hazards. The specific objectives are:

a) Developing risk information for earthquakes, floods, landslides, flash floods, and industrial hazards for the State of Uttarakhand.
b) Creating a Web based ‘Digital Risk Data Base (DRDB) for the State of Uttarakhand on a GIS platform which comprises hazard, vulnerability and risk information for earthquakes, floods, landslides, flash floods, and industrial hazards to support informed decision making for disaster risk management.
c) Provide detailed roadmap for sustaining and upgrading the DRDB.
d) Training of government agencies in the understanding, use and communication of risk information and improving their understanding of how risk information can be improved through time.