Following the success of the agro-ecological zoning (AEZ) methodology developed by FAO and IIASA since June 2021, GIC leads the development on PyAEZ (Python library for AEZ framework) to complement with the scalability of the tool and enabling the supporting the capacity building tool. Leaning towards knowledge sharing, GIC launched PyAEZ at its second versions along with the training of the tool utilization. Participated by 55 from 34 countries, the training has successfully compiled the objective of the programs.
PyAEZ system comprises six modules to generate agro-climatic and crop-specific comprehensive information regarding the crop suitability and land productivity in terms of agro-climatic yield relevant for planning and decision-making process. PyAEZ package is of particular interest to national and international organizations dealing with different of agriculture production and sustainability, land and water resources, food security, agricultural development, or climatic variability and climate change. This tool is aimed to develop the assessment process in AEZ, which enable the users to run the PyAEZ program for different crops under different scenarios.
The launch was warmly opened by Prof. Rajendra Shrestha, where he explained about the journey on agro-ecological zoning (AEZ) for the land evaluation since 1978. The director of Geoinformatics Center, Dr. Manzul Kumar Hazarika, presenting introduction of the work on PyAEZ expansion and how it can potentially apply in community, where PyAEZ introduced as the user-friendly interface. Followed by the technical training lead by GIC’s researchers, Dr. Kittiphon Boonma and Mr. Swun Wunna Htet. The training was also facilitated by the virtual google classroom which enable participants to recap the trainings throughout the days.
Additional Information
PyAEZ package tool: https://gaez.fao.org/pages/pyaez
Access the publication of PyAEZ from FAO: https://www.fao.org/3/cc3058en/cc3058en.pdf