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Celebrating the World Water Day where the most scarce and essential resources for all, GIC address the promotion through the contribution in technology for enabling the clean rivers. GIC has been working with the mindset and substantial objectives to the environmental sustainability, one of it our focus emphasized on the plastic pollution in the river. 

Since our success work in UNEP CounterMEASURE phase-II, GIC shared how the technology in enabling the automation detection using CCTV in the canals and river, which implemented under the works with the community in Bang Bua, settled in the heart of Bangkok, Thailand. In order to contribute the coordinated actions, plitter.CCTV was implemented to focus on the monitoring of plastic waste in the rivers. Findings elaborated to the most prominent type of plastic found floating in the water, where the community becomes environmentally vulnerable due to the polluted river as the water source.  

The work implementation was spread through the high panel gathering on 7-9 March 2023 to take stock of the latest developments and scaling plans to end plastic pollution in the Mekong River basin. The call to stop plastic pollution was echoed in high-level panel discussions and across six thematic sessions comprising discussions on investments and international cooperation, latest tools and technologies, as well as wider awareness and capacity-building to promote best practices.  

To promote the clean rivers as the scarce water source for communities, the panels focusing on the approach on the harmonization guidelines, where GIC was taking part on implementation of AI-enabled CCTV system. Our research associate, Mr. Sriram Reddy, presented the proof-of-concept studies include the implementation of two CCTV units in Bangkok, Thailand, and 12 units in Can Tho, Vietnam. This also helps to provide the reliable data to inform the actions in order to addressing the gap among the communities. This is also taking notes that GIC is committed to contribute for the clean rivers for the better water sources for all.